Sunday, June 5, 2011

McDonalds Stock


      This slow and steady giant is making its way through any economic situation and making more money as it makes new trails, sort of like a lake harvestor. Even through the midst of a healthier American living environment, Mcdonalds proves to show that it is much needed and is not going anywhere anytime soon. Everytime one item on the menu is over used and forgotten they simply add another menu item to replace it. This company seems like it is the biggest fast food chains around, it is not invincible of course but it has rooted itself a fine foundation.

      McDonalds stock (MCD) is currently sitting at 80.54 per share. This share, last year to date was at about 67.25 on June 5th 2010 thats a 13.29 difference per share in one year. Even looking back further would show that it has been on the rise slowly like a ninja. It is not a huge difference in pace, but it is steadily rising, positively. This could be an interesting stock to keep your eye on. It probably will never generate millions of dollars but it can be nice to hold onto for a while and watch it grow like a Mcgarden.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that McDonalds is continue to rise slowly and steady and making its way through the recession and there are profit earn along the way where their stock still rising. I find that they doing it well because of their location and convenience. They are also fast in service and of course there are many selections that we can choose from. Its products are not only burgers but many addiction products like coffee, salads and milkshakes etc. If something happen in one product, they still have other products to back them up unlike Starbuck where if something going wrong in the coffee product, they will be out of business. McDonald’s main business is not selling burger but they are in real estate where they predict population in 100 years ahead. They start that early and will continue to do great in the future and their stocks and their existence will surely go far.
